Gluten-free Bread #1 with Dr. Jean Layton’s flour mix

Last post, I teased you with a pic of the fail loaf, with the promise of the Success Loaf to come!

So I’m starting by sharing some of the non-sourdough experimenting I’ve been doing with this flour blend that Dr. Jean Layton has come up with for her sourdough feeder. As she mentions in her post, [...]

Bringing in the sheaves …

Last Sunday, I spent the better part of the day helping harvest grain up at Makaria Farm in Cobble Hill!  I’ve been looking forward to this all summer — having bought into a grain share earlier in the year.  I have grown small trial-plots of hull-less barley and oats in the back yard, and been interested [...]

Gluten-free Baguettes

I’ve been playing around with the gluten-free recipes from Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes per day.  Zoe Francois and Jeff Hertzberg have done a great job of providing whole grain and gluten-free options for their Artisan Bread in 5 minutes per day method.

Simply put, this method is great for families and households where you would like [...]

Artisan style Timtana Bread

Ive been playing around with the Timtana flour and the gluten-free recipes from Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes per day for a little bit now.  The basic recipes all use eggs in them, and I decided I would like to try and make them vegan for those unable to eat eggs.

My first attempts used Ener-g egg [...]

Timtana Bread

So I received a new flour in the mail a couple of days ago: Timtana flour, made by Montana Gluten-free Processors (in Montana of course!).  I’ve been waiting with some interest to see what it would look like and more importantly, what it would be like to bake with.

The Timtana flour comes from the seeds of [...]