Why Use a Personal Chef?

Using a personal chef service can help not only save you time and the anxiety of worrying about dinner, but can also help save you money, and help you achieve your nutritional goals.

If using a personal chef service seems like a luxury, consider the costs of eating out at restaurants, ordering takeout, and the financial and health costs of eating prepackaged food.

In Canada today, it is estimated that approximately 40 cents of every food dollar is spent outside the kitchen, and one third of all our calories are eaten outside the home*. The average American eats out at least four meals per week.

Add to that, the fact that the average person eating out regularly, will consume 300 calories more per day as a result of eating out. Eating out and eating pre-packaged food also gives you fewer opportunites to control calorie intake, as well as your intake of salt, fat and presevatives.

A personal chef service can also help you reduce the amount of stale, unwanted groceries thrown out, by using portion contol.

If you have unique dietary needs, a personal chef service can prepare meals to your exact specifications, to accomodate allergies, medical conditions requiring specific diets, or portion control if you need to eat smaller meals throughout they day.

A personal chef service can also help you save 10-12 hours per week, shopping for groceries and preparing them.

*Jacobson, Michael F., “The Hidden Cost of Eating Out”, Nutrition Action Healthletter


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