May garden update: a garden on steriods!

The weird weather continues here: sunny days, but cool evenings and nights.  Just over a week ago, we had quite a stretch of wet, cool weather, and then all of a sudden, a week’s worth of sunny days, so things have been growing like crazy.  Here’s a bit of video footage from a traipse around the garden this afternoon.  Pardon the messy edges!  Eric had surgery a week ago, so we have been somewhat sidetracked with shiba post-surgery care (they are VERY melodramatic!)

Things have been very strange this year — broad beans only just ripening (usually we’ve harvested them and moved on by now), and difficulties even getting decent seedlings started for squash, cucumbers and melons.  The good news is that things like the broccoli seem to be quite happy.

So, lets get started in the patio:

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and on to the main square foot beds

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wordpress video - wordpress plugin for integrated video on video blogs, and video tools

and finally, the greenhouse and the square foot beds under the window

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wordpress video - wordpress plugin for integrated video on video blogs, and video tools

Even though the wild growth in the garden may make it look like I’ve abandoned cooking, there has been culinary activity in the kitchen (gardening too, as I mixed up a batch of nematodes in the pyrex measuring cups!), just not a lot of opportunities to take pics.  The next post will be something food-related, I promise!

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