Green Goddess gets a makeover!

So after last Sunday’s solstice cocktail experimentation, Jeff decreed that while it tasted good, it looked like swamp water!  Green Goddess needed a makeover!  Some of this was due to the hurried making of the Five Spice powder syrup, which just got a quick strain before use, but some of it was also due to the [...]

The Green Goddess

I can’t believe its spring already, but… here we are, squarely on the first day of spring.  I’ve been out getting the garden geared up for the spring/summer plantings of vegetables, and there’s lots of fresh herbs springing forth.  There’s a limit to how many you can cook with, so a small bunch of today’s pickings [...]

Cupid's Day Off

For all you Valentine revelers, here’s a Valentine’s cocktail that Cupid himself might like to kick back with.   If you have a date for Valentine’s, enjoy, knowing that Cupid is getting his vacay time in.  If you are flying solo for Valentine’s, take comfort in the fact that Cupid is on the beach in Bermuda [...]

Mexican Standoff cocktail

Another Thursday Drink Night — Last night’s theme was nuts: liqueurs made from nuts, nut infused booze, and more nuts.  Go check them all out, make some for yourself and and vote for your favourite!

I’m not a big nut liqueur fan, usually finding them too sweet and cloying, so this was a bit more of a [...]

Blood Orange Whisky Sour (sometimes simple is best!)

We had a good run of blood oranges available in the markets up here, and now its tapering off, and I found myself with 2 left in the fridge.  What to do?  Turn them into cocktails!

Blood oranges taste so delicious, and have such a gorgeous colour, you don’t want to do too much to muck it [...]