Artisan style Timtana Bread

Ive been playing around with the Timtana flour and the gluten-free recipes from Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes per day for a little bit now.  The basic recipes all use eggs in them, and I decided I would like to try and make them vegan for those unable to eat eggs.

My first attempts used Ener-g egg [...]

Timtana Bread

So I received a new flour in the mail a couple of days ago: Timtana flour, made by Montana Gluten-free Processors (in Montana of course!).  I’ve been waiting with some interest to see what it would look like and more importantly, what it would be like to bake with.

The Timtana flour comes from the seeds of [...]

Gluten-free Chocolate chip Bread Pudding

So what do when you’re testing bread recipes, and you find yourself with a surfeit of bread? Why make bread pudding!

Bread pudding is one of those easy things to whip up, and if you are familiar with Michael Ruhlman‘s book Ratios, once you understand that bread pudding is basically custard with lots of stuff in it, [...]

Cinnamon buns that roll!

I’ve been on a quest for a tasty gluten-free cinnamon bun for a while now, and come across recipes that achieve cinnamon bun flavour, but use a dough that is so wet that you have to bake them in muffin pans.  When you are hankering for a cinnamon bun, you really want those layers of dough, [...]

of Sin Dawgs and fresh-ground whole wheat flour!

The other day, I picked up some freshly ground red-fife flour from Cliff Leir at Fol Epi bakery.  I’ve been using the Red Fife flour from SaltSpring Mills and been quite happy with it, BUT I found out that Cliff is using grain from the same organic farmer in Saskatchewan AND, its milled fresh the same [...]