I’m always on the lookout for new #glutenfree  products, and having a stash of decent pastas in the pantry definitely makes quick dinners a whole lot easier.   While I’ve found passable macaroni and fusilli, I’ve never really found a good spaghetti that gave that true al dente texture.I think we’ve hit the jackpot with this one!  I was picking up a few veg for dinner tonight on my way home from a delivery, and happened to notice these pasta nests by Pastificio la Rosa in the supermarket http://www.pastificiolarosa.it/en/gluten-free-pasta/italian-gluten-free-spaghetti.html

This stuff literally cooks up just like wheat pasta!  I wanted to see what it would be like if I finished it with a bit of fat and pasta water (most of the other brands I`ve tried fall apart at this point).  The texture is fabulous!!!

simple spaghetti sauce made with olive oil, pancetta, minced onion , garlic, salt, and 1/2 heirloom tomato, diced.  Thinned with about 1/2 – 3/4 cup pasta water, pasta added back in for 2-3 minutes, knob of butter to finish.


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Sometimese the mistakes work out ok! - Bread flour blend
Bison Meatloaf made grain-free
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Janice Mansfield is a personal chef who specializes in creating customized catering and baking for people with food sensitivities. A recipe developer and baker by day, by night, she enjoys delving into the history of classic cocktails and created a line of cocktail bitters for no other reason than she wanted chocolate bitters in her Manhattans! In her spare time, she documents the antics and unbearable cuteness her two Shiba Inus over at Life in the Shiba Shack.

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