40001m No matter how much time I spend in the kitchen or how many new tools I get to try out, there are a few things I fall back on as “essential tools”1) microplane – I use mine for everything from lemon zest to grating nutmeg, to creating parmesan “snow”
2) a good knife that fits your hand!  doesn’t need to have a price tag that breaks the bank, but should be good enough quality that it holds a decent edge.  Most importantly, it should fit your hand!  If you are on a budget, get yourself an 8″ or 10″ chefs knife or Santoku, and a paring knife to start.
3) my hinged citrus juicer! (sometimes referred to by bartenders as a Mexican elbow).  This does the most efficient job bar none of extracting juice from all kinds of citrus
4) French rolling pin – for rolling pastry, nothing beats the effectiveness of this simple design.  You can also use it to pound meat in a pinch, crush nuts, or soften blocks of butter!
5) parchment sheets! I buy these by the box, and use them for lining sheet pans for roasting all kinds of things, but also cut them in circles to line cake pans, fold them to make collars for assembling cakes or circling souffes.  You can also use 2 layers to roll out sticky pastries (very handy with gluten-free baking!) … and in a pinch, they can also be deployed into a piping bag.

What are your kitchen “must-haves”?
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Janice Mansfield is a personal chef who specializes in creating customized catering and baking for people with food sensitivities. A recipe developer and baker by day, by night, she enjoys delving into the history of classic cocktails and created a line of cocktail bitters for no other reason than she wanted chocolate bitters in her Manhattans! In her spare time, she documents the antics and unbearable cuteness her two Shiba Inus over at Life in the Shiba Shack.

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