Stuff coming up in the garden

Well, the weather here has been pretty crappy, but despite the cold temps, spring appears to be on its way (albeit very slowly!).   Spent some time today filling the new beds with the last of the SeaSoil – i had hoped that there would be enough remaining from the 2-yard delivery to finish filling the extra 2 beds I decided to build.  As you can see, not quite!  I pilfered some from the pile in the front yard to finish filling this long-bed.   only one more small bed left to fill, which will mean a run to the nursery tomorrow for a couple of bags.

Last of the seasoil

Notice that Kimi is poking around here.  I had planned to hose down the tarp, and fold it up, but before I could get that far, she commandeered it for her backyard surveillance.  It wasn’t particularly warm, or really even any drier than the lawn.  I think it was just a Shiba thing!

You want me to move?!?

Now that it’s not quite so bitterly cold, things are starting to poke through the soil in earnest.  From left to right:  sweet cicely poking its new shoots thru the earth (i think they look a little like aliens); brand new blossoms on the super dwarf peach tree we planted in the patio; and lots of fresh little tarragon shoots emerging.  I grow the tarragon in a pot, where it seems to be quite happy.   I’ll harvest a lot of these shoots in the next couple of weeks to encourage lots of branches on the plant.

Spring might finally be on its way!

The dogs have also been happy that the rain is abating, as it means they can poke around in the yard while i am out working, without getting wet fur — Shibas hate getting their fur wet.  I have discovered, however, that Shibas dont always make the best garden helpers.

  • Eric waits until the SeaSoil has been put in the garden and then nibbles on little bits of it.
  • Kimi loves to dig holes in the lovely smooth parts of the garden that have been raked and seeded with grass seed!
  • Eric jumps in the beds that are partially filled with peat moss and vemiculite and rolls around in them.
  • I caught Eric nibbling on the tender little buds on the end of the Saskatoon berry branches

Good thing they’re cute!

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