Gluten-free focaccia

This is a quick share … I’ve been working on a recipe to create nice crunchy foccacia crumbs, and along the way decided to modify the recipe a fair bit to use as a side with dinner.  Its still a work in progress — lovely and soft out of the oven, but...

Chocolate marshmallows!

The holidays are fast approaching, and people are looking for something a little sweet and treat-like to indulge in, and I’ve been making marshmallows like a mad fiend here at the Shiba Shack, and will be continuing to make them for special orders right through...
… the best Gluten-free biscuits!

… the best Gluten-free biscuits!

While we have a number of tried and true recipes here at the shiba shack its fair to say we’re always tweaking and tinkering in the interests of improvement. So tonight, when needing biscuits to go with the stew, we made a couple of flour swaps with the ones...
eat ALL the zucchini!!!!

eat ALL the zucchini!!!!

As we approach late September, very few people are saying this with gusto right about now!  Its zucchini overload time, and well-meaning folk are quietly slipping out the back door of neighbourhood potlucks rather than leaving themselves open to being foisted with yet...