Eating our way thru Vancouver: Ethiopian

So I’m back in Vancouver for the weekend, and wanted to make at least one stop for Ethiopian food while over here.  We had a few recommendations that came in via Twitter, but unfortunately, the weather gods prevailed, and what should have been a short ferry-trip over in the late afternoon, turned into a bout of [...]

Curry in a Hurry

We eat curry fairly frequently here, chez  Real Food Made Easy — for a couple of reasons.

It tastes pretty good, and we like pretty much all versions of it.
It can be made up fairly quickly with a couple of pantry staples at hand, and a pressure cooker
It is pretty versatile and works well as a freestyle [...]

The Quest for Cocktails continues...

A second night in the big city, and after a day of running around to places like Gourmet Warehouse to stock up on Scharffenberger chocolate and other sundries, and checking out the local gluten-free baking scene,  I for one, was ready for some dinner and a couple of cocktails.

When over in Vancouver, I like to opt [...]

I like meatballs so much I’m blogging about them!

I love meatballs.   Meaty goodness, in a bite-sized package — all the fun of meatloaf without the commitment!

One of the things I like about them is the fact that you can combine them with all kinds of flavours — any way you want.  That way you can eat them in all kinds of forms — not [...]

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the BLT from scratch!

So back on June 10, Michael Ruhlman (author most recently of the excellent book Ratios!), threw a challenge out to all those on the interweb, to make their own BLT from scratch.

He had just finished making homemade pancetta, and showed that it was actually not as difficult as we all might have thought, and the idea [...]