Windy Wednesday Cocktail

Well its been a few weeks running that I’ve had to skip out on Thursday Drink Night over at the Mixoloseum, but here we are on Thursday night, with lamb roasting in the oven, my drink hand empty, and a TDN theme of Gin, just waiting for something to be mixed up!

We’ve had some wild weather [...]

Green Goddess gets a makeover!

So after last Sunday’s solstice cocktail experimentation, Jeff decreed that while it tasted good, it looked like swamp water!  Green Goddess needed a makeover!  Some of this was due to the hurried making of the Five Spice powder syrup, which just got a quick strain before use, but some of it was also due to the [...]

The Green Goddess

I can’t believe its spring already, but… here we are, squarely on the first day of spring.  I’ve been out getting the garden geared up for the spring/summer plantings of vegetables, and there’s lots of fresh herbs springing forth.  There’s a limit to how many you can cook with, so a small bunch of today’s pickings [...]

The Derby Cocktail

Plodding (ok, sloshing rather than plodding!) my way through Ted Haigh‘s Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails … in no particular order!

The latest choice was bourbon based (because I felt like bourbon), and so flipping through the pages, I stopped at the page with the Derby cocktail (yes, named for the Kentucky Derby).  According to Dr. Cocktail, [...]

Its time for another Vintage Cocktail!

So I figured it was time to revisit Ted Haigh’s Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails, to continue the cocktail journey through the ages.

Flipping through the pages, I was initially drawn to the Corpse Reviver #2 (feeling a little logey tonight and all!), but I figured I would rather try one of the cocktails I’ve never had [...]